Delete any Web Browser HTML5 localStorage before removal; Example:
Press f12to show webkit when viewing the rX page for each domain used, And then
navigate to the WebKit Resources tab, select Local Storage and delete the required storage.
The HTML5 LocalStorage Key identifiers that include the text of KitchenPages are safe to delete.
A Hypertext anchor link HTML5 LocalStorage removal example is provided, see Instruction below.
See the uninstall document for instructions to remove downloaded application Installs that have been executed/installed upon a Windows operating system.
Use Web Browser BACK button to resume reading after following a hyperlink
The removal Instruction may also used for removal of the following online versions :- KitCAD i3 KGC rX, KitCAD i3 KGC r5/r50. and KitCAD i3 KGC r3/r30/r35 where required.
Use of the following Hypertext anchor link/s below will clear and remove the KitCAD and Cut-Up Web Application/s from any Web Browser/s Local Storage. A prompt message confirming the use or removal is provided.
Notice: The above Hypertext anchor link MUST be used when page is loaded from in-order to delete the LocalStorage values being kept for that site.
Chrome - Web Application
The KitCAD i3 KGC rX (1.9 to 2.1Meg) online website allows users to operate offline.
To remove all data downloaded users of the online Web Application/s listed follow the steps outlined for the specific Web Browser.
The Chrome App Launcher, and Chrome Web Browser removal process
Start the Chrome App Launcher and right click on the KitCAD i3 rX icon.
Click to select the Remove from Chrome... option displayed in the pop-up menu.
Using Chrome Web Browser; Type the text of chrome://appcache-internals into the URL address bar and press the Enter button once.
Click the hyperlink of Remove for the following items, if listed:
The KitCAD i3 KGC rX (1.9 to 2.1Meg) online website allows users to operate offline.
To remove all data downloaded users of the online Web Application/s listed follow the steps outlined for the specific Web Browser.
The Firefox Web Browser WebIDE removal process
Type the text of about:app-manager into the URL address bar and press the Enter button once; Or start the WebIDE using the WebIDE icon on the Firefox address bar
Select the KitCAD i3 KGC application; Click the hyperlink of Remove Project for the following items, if listed:
Start the device using another WebIDE, or at end-of-use and if possible; Always try delete the installed application using the device setting/s - instructions vary on each device, please review device help and support for futher assistance before uninstalling anything.